PITTSBURGH, May 9, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following release is being issued by Mayors Against Illegal Guns:
Mothers, children and others who have been affected by gun violence will gather in Pittsburgh Saturday to raise gun violence awareness.
In April, Senators Pat Toomey and Robert Casey stood with 88 percent of Pennsylvania voters and voted to expand background checks to private gun sales at gun shows and online. Pennsylvania Representatives Mike Fitzpatrick, Pat Meehan, Matt Cartwright, Robert Brady and Chaka Fattah have co-sponsored identical legislation in the House. The Pittsburgh event aims to thank Senator Toomey and Senator Casey for their leadership and to raise awareness to the Pennsylvania delegation about the effects of gun violence on mothers and children. Recent independent polls have found that 88 percent of Pennsylvanians support background checks for all buyers.
In addition, to mark Mother's Day, Roxanna Green, whose nine year-old daughter Christina-Taylor Green was killed in the 2011 Tucson mass shooting, released a video message. Link to the video here.
Event details are below.
Mother's Day Rally Against Gun Violence
Marsha Grayson, mother of Honor Student Jeron Grayson who was murdered while home on Spring Break; Ms. Sharon Fields of Healing Wounds Family Support Group; Reggie Roberts of Ceasefire-PA, State Rep. Ed Gainey and Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Saturday, May 11, 11:00 AM
Rodman Street Baptist Church, 6111 Rodman Street, Pittsburgh
About Mayors Against Illegal Guns
Since its creation in April 2006, Mayors Against Illegal Guns has grown from 15 members to more than 950 mayors from across the country. We have more than 1.5 million grassroots supporters, making us the largest gun violence prevention advocacy organization in the country. The bipartisan coalition, co-chaired by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, has united the nation's mayors around these common goals: protecting communities by holding gun offenders accountable; demanding access to crime gun trace data that is critical to law enforcement efforts to combat gun trafficking; and working with legislators to fix weaknesses and loopholes in the law that make it far too easy for criminals and other dangerous people to get guns. Learn more at www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org
Dave Scholnick, dscholnick@maig.org or 717-723-8864
Kate Downen: kdownen@maig.org or 406-224-5056
SOURCE Mayors Against Illegal Guns
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